Write Something With Lots of Feeling

Write some back home, come on writing

That comes from the heart

Write somethin’ with lots of feelin’

‘Cause that’s where writing has to start

— corrupted version of “Mountain Music” by Alabama (sorry guys!)

If there is one thing I have noticed, it is that when I read something, anything, I want to feel it inside. I don’t want a clinical blow-by-blow description os the way someone’s hair blows unless that makes me want to run my fingers through it, or something like that.

So writers, I beg you, I  implore you, please watch the info dumps and the lengthy in-depth descriptions of a single action. It is a really great way to get me to put your book down and not pick it up again. I know some people will disagree with me about this, and there are some Masters who do it, but I can’t read it. I need to be able to feel your characters.

One other things, keep your character’s development consistent. Don’t have them do something out of character. I just pisses me off and makes me want to throw the book at the wall.

I have an example.

FLESH EATERS – by Joe McKinney

Great book, until the last few pages when the MC takes the money that was in the bank. (Sorry for the spoiler) It is just not consistent with her character. The book left a mark on my wall. And another one when my husband read it. Not good form Mr. McKinney.

Anyway, that’s all the time I have for ramblings today. I still have a lot of writing to do AND I am working on an in-depth crit for someone.




Filed under author, character traits, characters, conflict, crit, critique, editing, feeling, growing, ideas, novel, paranormal, rules, story, Thriller, Writer, writing, Writing a Paranormal Novel, writing novels, writing process

3 responses to “Write Something With Lots of Feeling

  1. Jen

    I’ve noticed this with Patricia Cornwell. I love her stuff, but I’m like okay get on with it….so you do have a very very valid point. Now, I have no inclination of picking up her books now.

  2. So true. Great post. You HAVE to be consistent with the character, or it’s all for nothing. I hope you can read another good book soon to cleanse your palate.

  3. This is EXACTLY how I feel:

    “If there is one thing I have noticed, it is that when I read something, anything, I want to feel it inside. I don’t want a clinical blow-by-blow description os the way someone’s hair blows unless that makes me want to run my fingers through it, or something like that.”

    We must be soul sisters!

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